Company Introdution

Eco-Select Environment Technology & Solutions Co., Ltd,(ECO-SELECT)was founded in 2015, it is specializing in advanced environment technology industry and commercialized application, gathering transform of scientific research achievements , manufacture of environment equipments, environmental survey, research and development and introduction , environment protection project investment and operations.Eco-Sselect is an expanded platform type enterprise that aims for improving ecology environment quality ,and posites on protection ,solution ,management for environment pollution.

Company Culture
Company Culture

All the time , our country is not satisfy on reliability and security for prevetion and cure of environment pollution and solutions, accompany with contradiction of economic development and environment pollution ,environmental  industry technology are waiting for promoting .Eco-select takes the active part in technical ,lasting innovation , dependes on the rich experiences of international business and deeply grasp on international frontier environmental technology informations .At the same time, through the introduction of advanced technology technology and the model of incubating projects to expand the industrial application, to fill the gap of industrial technology, satisfy the domestic demand for advanced, reliable and safety and environmental protection technology, and promote the development of green economy in China.

Core Business
Core Business

At present, the company's business, which is successfully incubated through the environmental protection, covers environmental technology and equipment agent, environmental equipment manufacturing, comprehensive utilization of solid waste resources, development and development of solid waste resources, marine ecological restoration technology research and development, restoration engineering, sea island ecotourism planning, marine public interest activities, marine ecological research and assessment . The basic layout of the two major industrial sectors, namely, the comprehensive utilization of polymer solid waste resources and the marine circular economy, is preliminarily formed.

Qualification and Honors
Qualification and Honors

Company responds to the national advocacy on circular economy and the direction of sustainable development,and was invited to join the industry associations to obtain the title of director members actively contributes to the development of low carbon industry and circular economy in the region.The following are the associations those the company is participating:

1 - Guangdong Association of Circular Economy And Resources Comprehensive Utilization 

2 - China Tire Recycling Association

3 - Guangdong Association of Environmental Protection Industry 

4 - China Society For The Promotion of Science And Technology Commercialization 

5 - Guangzhou Urban Mineral Association